Good for each other
- 9 May 2022
Of course we value the quality of our collection, but we consider quality of life at least as important. That is why our production processes are under strict supervision, but our factories also apply the highest standards when it comes to environment and working conditions. VIB® also ensures that no children work in the factories.
'Stichting Elk Kind een Bal'
It's great that life is very good in the Netherlands. But it is also good to realize that this is sadly not the case everywhere. For example, almost every child here has a ball, but for many children in the world, this is not always the case. The Elk Kind een Bal Foundation (Every child a ball foundation) sees the ball as the ultimate bonding tool between people of all races and ages worldwide, regardless of their background. Whoever buys, gives, sees or plays with the 'VIB® & Every Child a Ball' becomes part of the 'Golden movement' and spreads the message of hope.
Very Important Ball for a Very Important Baby®!
For the foundation Elk Kind Een Bal (Every Child a Ball) the BAL is not only a tool for movement and sports, but much more! A ball brings a smile to children's faces, teaches them to work together and for some children it is a 'friend' they can always play with. VIB® is a proud partner of this foundation and supports the great work of Stichting Elk Kind Een Bal! Together with the foundation, VIB® therefore designed this special edition of the Plush Ball.
When you buy this special edition VIB®-EKEB ball at your VIB®-Dealer you contribute to provide children in underprivileged countries with these special edition Plush balls.