VIB®! & Haga Juliana Birth center The Hague
- 15 March 2019
The Haga Juliana Birth Center at the Leyweg location of the Haga Hospital is the new birth center in the Haaglanden region. This center provides professional, high-quality, safe and complete care for mother and child.
The Gynacology and Obstetrics Departement, 17 midwifery practices, the Birth Hotel Haga and the Neonatology Department of the Juliana Children’s Hospital all work closely together here.
Thursday, 24th of January , she organized the 1st edition of a fun pregnancy meeting and maternity market. This was a great success! About 140 visitors, 12 companies and a handful of helping colleagues attended. The promotion was set up by Roderick from the Langeveld shop in collaboration with Rik from VIB® and Kirsten from the Haga Juliana Birth Center.
VIB® gladly participated in this fun initiative. We have supplied beautiful goodie bags filled with one of our beautiful bibs and a special discount voucher for the Haga Hospital shop.
'The VIB® bags stood out as a goodie bag. "The people were very happy with it! And so were we, "says Kirsten (obstetrics department).
Edition 2 is organized to take place on Thursday, 28th of March!